Dr. Kaushik Sridhar

career change

Getting Your “Dream” Job: Beyond Fairytale Careers

Reading Time: 3 minutes The tantalizing idea of a “dream job” permeates our career advice. But what exactly is a dream job, and how do we find it in the face of an ever-changing professional landscape? This concept deserves a deeper look, for the path to fulfillment might not be as linear – or as fantastical – as we

Getting Your “Dream” Job: Beyond Fairytale Careers Read More »

Hitting the “pause” button on your career

Reading Time: 4 minutes “How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours” – Wayne Dyer Just the word itself, redundant, is harsh when you look at the definition: ‘no longer needed or useful; superfluous.’ The loss of confidence that comes with the notion of being redundant can be debilitating, especially if it was a role

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