Dr. Kaushik Sridhar


The Power of Showing Up: Embracing Imperfection and Owning Your Journey

Reading Time: 3 minutes In a world obsessed with hustle culture and the illusion of overnight success, one essential element often gets overlooked: showing up. It may sound simple, but in reality, showing up is a powerful act of courage, commitment, and self-belief. It’s about putting yourself out there, imperfections and all, and actively participating in your own life. […]

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Being Good Enough Is Good Enough: Embracing Progress Over Perfection

Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in a world obsessed with excellence. From social media feeds showcasing filtered perfection to the relentless pursuit of peak performance, the pressure to be the best can feel constant and crushing. But what if the key to a happier, more fulfilling life lies not in striving for an unattainable ideal, but in embracing

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The Complainers’ Dilemma: Unraveling the Paradox

Reading Time: 2 minutes The modern workplace is a diverse ecosystem where employees possess varying attitudes and behaviors towards their jobs. Among these, a notable paradox exists: individuals who incessantly complain about their work are often found to be the ones who remain with the same employer for the longest periods. This intriguing correlation has puzzled researchers and organizational

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Exercise and Relationships: The Second and Third Roots of Happiness

Reading Time: 2 minutes Exercise Exercise promotes health and the natural flow of energy. It helps you fight stress by augmenting your strength, vigour, flexibility and overall hardiness. It relieves depression and insomnia, and boosts your immune function. It is essential to healthy aging, because it keeps your body agile and enhances brain function. Be sure to breathe deeply

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Money Makes the World Go Round, or Does It?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Comparing rates of happiness across countries can be tricky, given cultural, economic and social differences that testing may not capture. However, while some “outliers” defy the idea that wealthier nations are happier – Nigeria is very happy; Japan, not so much – other factors, such as age, marriage and jobs, regularly show up in happiness

Money Makes the World Go Round, or Does It? Read More »