Dr. Kaushik Sridhar

career coaching

Tone at the Top, Mood in the Middle, Buzz at the Bottom: The Hierarchical Impact on Organizational Culture

Reading Time: 3 minutes Organizational culture is a critical determinant of a company’s success and sustainability. It shapes how employees interact, make decisions, and perceive their roles within the organization. The concept of “Tone at the Top, Mood in the Middle, Buzz at the Bottom” provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how different levels of an organization influence its […]

Tone at the Top, Mood in the Middle, Buzz at the Bottom: The Hierarchical Impact on Organizational Culture Read More »

Detach to Elevate

Reading Time: 3 minutes In our fast-paced world, we’re constantly bombarded with stimuli. We chase deadlines, juggle obligations, and strive for control. This relentless pursuit can leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and ultimately, stagnant. However, there’s a powerful counterintuitive approach that can unlock a new level of peace, productivity, and fulfillment: detaching to elevate. Detachment doesn’t imply apathy or

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The Power of Showing Up: Embracing Imperfection and Owning Your Journey

Reading Time: 3 minutes In a world obsessed with hustle culture and the illusion of overnight success, one essential element often gets overlooked: showing up. It may sound simple, but in reality, showing up is a powerful act of courage, commitment, and self-belief. It’s about putting yourself out there, imperfections and all, and actively participating in your own life.

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Being Good Enough Is Good Enough: Embracing Progress Over Perfection

Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in a world obsessed with excellence. From social media feeds showcasing filtered perfection to the relentless pursuit of peak performance, the pressure to be the best can feel constant and crushing. But what if the key to a happier, more fulfilling life lies not in striving for an unattainable ideal, but in embracing

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Finding Authenticity: A Journey Towards Self-Discovery

Reading Time: 4 minutes In a world where authenticity often takes a back seat to conformity and external expectations, the quest for genuine self-expression and identity has become more critical than ever. Authenticity is the quality of being true to oneself, embracing one’s values, beliefs, and unique qualities without pretence or imitation. It is a journey of self-discovery that

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10 life skills not taught in schools

Reading Time: 2 minutes The education system plays a vital role in shaping the minds of young individuals. While schools provide essential academic knowledge, there are numerous life skills that often go unaddressed in traditional curricula. These skills, crucial for success and fulfillment in adulthood, empower individuals to navigate the complexities of everyday life. In this article, I share

10 life skills not taught in schools Read More »

How do you develop razor-sharp focus

Reading Time: 3 minutes In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining focus has become a challenge for many. With constant notifications, endless distractions, and a never-ending stream of information, developing razor-sharp focus has become a valuable skill. Whether you’re striving for peak productivity, aiming to excel in your professional life, or seeking a more mindful existence, honing your ability to concentrate

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The Complainers’ Dilemma: Unraveling the Paradox

Reading Time: 2 minutes The modern workplace is a diverse ecosystem where employees possess varying attitudes and behaviors towards their jobs. Among these, a notable paradox exists: individuals who incessantly complain about their work are often found to be the ones who remain with the same employer for the longest periods. This intriguing correlation has puzzled researchers and organizational

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Failure is the most important ingredient to success

Reading Time: 3 minutes Success is often regarded as the ultimate goal in life. We strive for it, chase after it, and celebrate it when we achieve it. However, what many fail to recognize is that failure is not only a natural part of the journey towards success but also the most important ingredient in achieving it. Failure provides

Failure is the most important ingredient to success Read More »