Dr. Kaushik Sridhar


Detach to Elevate

Reading Time: 3 minutes In our fast-paced world, we’re constantly bombarded with stimuli. We chase deadlines, juggle obligations, and strive for control. This relentless pursuit can leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and ultimately, stagnant. However, there’s a powerful counterintuitive approach that can unlock a new level of peace, productivity, and fulfillment: detaching to elevate. Detachment doesn’t imply apathy or […]

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The Profound Significance of Pronouncing Someone’s Name Correctly

Reading Time: 2 minutes Names are more than just a combination of letters; they hold profound cultural, social, and personal significance. Pronouncing someone’s name correctly is an essential act of respect and validation. It demonstrates that we value their identity, embrace diversity, and fosters a sense of belonging. In this article, we will delve into the importance of pronouncing

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The Art of Listening

Reading Time: 2 minutes The art of listening is an often-overlooked skill that is essential to building and maintaining strong relationships, both personally and professionally. Listening is more than just hearing what someone is saying, it involves actively engaging with the speaker and understanding their perspective. Effective listening requires concentration, patience, and an open mind. It’s not just about

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