Dr. Kaushik Sridhar


Is there a recipe for a stress-free life?

Reading Time: 3 minutesStress is a part of life. Some stress is beneficial, but prolonged chronic stress is harmful. Take a holistic approach to changing the basis of your stress, not its symptoms. Rather than “managing” stress, you can identify its causes and reframe your thinking. Your thought patterns may be winding you up and stressing you out. […]

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Shift Paradigms and Eliminate Stress

Reading Time: 3 minutes“Reactive to Proactive” Shifting this paradigm means taking control of your stress instead of reacting to it. You can’t avoid stress, but you can minimize it. For example, proactive people avoid having to worry about their finances by saving money and following a budget. They exercise, eat right and get regular check-ups to ease their

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Sustainability in a ‘pandemic’ world

Reading Time: 5 minutesParaphrasing Ernest Hemingway, unfolding developments move slower until they happen suddenly. Today, the coronavirus outbreak may lead to a tipping point at which gross domestic product and its supporting metrics are supplemented by alternatives more conducive towards a sustainability transition. Disruptions related to COVID-19 are predicted to become more severe in coming weeks. They could

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Eat sustainably!

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe’ve heard about the effects a high-sugar, high-fat diet can have on our health, yet we shouldn’t overlook the impact of our dietary choices on the environment. From growing crops to packaging and transporting goods, up to a third of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the agriculture sector. As Australia (and Victoria) become more

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Love, Health and Happiness

Reading Time: 2 minutesHealth and Happiness Worldwide, health is the major variable that influences joy, even more than money. Contented people are healthier, and healthy people are more content. In the developed nations of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), the higher the blood pressure, the lower the happiness level, and vice versa, indicating a “virtuous

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The Importance of Social Networks

Reading Time: < 1 minute“People who have at least three or four very close friendships are healthier, have higher well-being and are more engaged in their jobs.”   Most people do not realize how much their social connections mean to their emotional and physical health and wellbeing. Those with friends, family and significant others derive great benefit from their

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Reading Time: 2 minutesEvery day you make numerous choices about what to eat and drink. They are either positive (fruits, vegetables, plenty of water) or negative (junk food, candy, caloric drinks), or both. Good choices (“salmon with a side of broccoli”) make you feel better during the day (short-term) and reduce potentially negative physical consequences, such as cancer

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