Dr. Kaushik Sridhar


Is Money the Root of Happiness?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Economics may be a great science for understanding numbers, but it does a poor job of predicting wellbeing. “When income exceeds a certain threshold, it no longer brings more happiness,” according to the “Easterlin paradox.” Within a country, the rich are generally happier than the poor, but that’s not true over time or in comparisons […]

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Love, Health and Happiness

Reading Time: 2 minutes Health and Happiness Worldwide, health is the major variable that influences joy, even more than money. Contented people are healthier, and healthy people are more content. In the developed nations of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), the higher the blood pressure, the lower the happiness level, and vice versa, indicating a “virtuous

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Objective vs. Subjective Reasons for Happiness

Reading Time: 2 minutes Happiness is a foundation stone of economic science. People make economic choices – what salary to accept, what product to buy, whether to invest – in order to become happy. The pursuit of happiness clearly matters in economics, even though economists usually speak of it in jargon, substituting such words as “utility” for “happiness.” The

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“The Greatest Happiness Principle”

Reading Time: < 1 minute Englishman Jeremy Bentham was the first philosopher to posit a pragmatic “greatest happiness principle.” He said that the greatest civilization has the happiest citizenry and, therefore, policies that increase the happiness of the largest number of people are the best ones to follow. However, until recently, little was known about human happiness, and governments stopped

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The 12 Activities of Happiness

Reading Time: 3 minutes Research suggests that the initial steps to becoming happier can be implemented straightaway. Be grateful – The powerful antidote to negativity about bad life experiences is an “attitude of gratitude” about good experiences. Research indicates that people who appreciate things feel a strong sense of satisfaction and are more optimistic. As such, they are much

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